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active Template  Laboratory Report Item Section

Effective Date 2008‑08‑08
Status active Active Version Label 2017
Name Laboratoryreportitemsection Display Name Laboratory Report Item Section
en-US At the second level (nested in one specialty section), each leaf section represents a Report Item. It can be a battery (or test panel), an individual test, or the complete study of a specimen (particularly in the MICROBIOLOGY STUDIES specialty). A Laboratory Report Item Section under a Laboratory Specialty Section SHALL represent only one Report Item.
  • <templateId root=""/> - The templateId element identifies this section as a Laboratory Report Item Section under a Laboratory Specialty Section. The templateId SHALL be present with root="".
  • <code code=" " codeSystem=" " codeSystemName=" " displayName=" "/> - The Laboratory Report Item Section SHALL identify the single Report Item uniquely using the <code> element. For example, a LOINC test code. The code, codeSystem, and displayName SHALL be present. One MAY also populate codeSystemName and orginalText.
  • <title/> - The Leaf Section title MAY be present, it is the local translation of the code@displayName.
  • <text/> - The Laboratory Report Item Section text SHALL be present and not blank. This narrative block SHALL present to the human reader and represent the observations produced for this Report Item, using the various structures available in the CDA Narrative Block schema (NarrativeBlock.xsd): tables, lists, paragraphs, hyperlinks, footnotes, references to attached or embedded multimedia objects. The narrative block is fully derived from the entry containing the machine-readable result data.
  • <entry typeCode="DRIV"> - The Laboratory Report Item Section SHALL contain a Lab Report Data Processing Entry. This entry contains the machine-readable result data from which the narrative block of this section is derived.
Context Parent nodes of template element with id
Classification CDA Section Level Template
Open/Closed Open (other than defined elements are allowed)
Used by / Uses
Used by 0 transactions and 2 templates, Uses 1 template
Used by as Name Version Containment active Laboratory Specialty Section (2017) 2008‑08‑08
2.16.840.1.113883. link draft Referto di Medicina di Laboratorio (LAB) 2018‑04‑16
Uses as Name Version Containment active Laboratory Report Data Processing Entry (2017) DYNAMIC
Relationship Specialization: template 2.16.840.1.113883.10.12.201 CDA Section (2005‑09‑07)
Laboratory Report Item Section Example
  <templateId root=""/>  <!-- Leaf Section that holds one Report Item. -->
  <code code="16931-8" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.1" codeSystemName="LOINC" displayName="Hemoglobin/Hematocrit"/>  <text/>  <entry typeCode="DRIV">
    <templateId root=""/>    <act classCode="ACT" moodCode="EVN"> ... </act>  </entry>
Item DT Card Conf Description Label
II 1 … 1 M (Labdotsion)
uid 1 … 1 F
II 0 … 1 R (Labdotsion)
CE 1 … 1 M (Labdotsion)
1 … 1 R
1 … 1 R
1 … 1 R
ST 0 … 1 R (Labdotsion)
SD.TEXT 1 … 1 M (Labdotsion)
1 … 1 R Contains Laboratory Report Data Processing Entry (DYNAMIC) (Labdotsion)
cs 1 … 1 F DRIV