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draft Value Set X_ActStatusActiveSuspendedAbortedCompleted 2022‑09‑25 13:39:28

This terminology is a snapshot as of 2024‑05‑14 11:23:24. Terminologies may evolve over time. If you need recent (dynamic) versions of this terminology, please retrieve it from the source.
Id 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.63.11.10 Effective Date 2022‑09‑25 13:39:28
Status draft Draft Version Label actStatus_ACAS
Name ActStatus_ACAS Display Name X_ActStatusActiveSuspendedAbortedCompleted

History description 2014-03-26: Lock all vaue sets untouched since 2014-03-26 to trackingId 2014T1_2014_03_26


Contains the names (codes) for each of the states in the state-machine of the RIM Act class.

Usage: 69
Id Name Type
hl7itig-template-131 Quesito Diagnostico (RAP) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-133 Focalità Rad (focalitàRad) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-134 Dimens Tumore Rad (DimensTumoreRad) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-136 Cronicità DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-137 Stato DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-145 Età Insorgenza (insorgenza) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-150 AP-Observation (RAP) (AP-Observation (RAP)) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-152 Età decesso (Decesso) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-156 Allergie - act (RAP) (allergieRAP) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-163 Descrizione Reazione (descReazione) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-164 Descrizione Criticità (criticità) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-165 Stato dell'Allergia/Intolleranza (statoAllergia) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-168 Observation-Precdenti Esami Eseguiti (RAP) (precedentiEsamiObsRAP) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-170 entryTerapRAP (entryTerapRAP) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-173 Sito Tumore Rad (SitoTumoreRad) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-177 Estension Tumore Rad (EstensionTumoreRad) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-178 DettaglioOsservazioneMacro RAP (DettaglioOsservazioneMacro RAP) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-181 Dimensione del tumore RAP (RAP - Oss. Macro. - Dim) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-183 Procedure (RAP) (procedureRAP) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-185 Sito del tumore (RAP - Macro) (RAP - Macro - Sito) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-186 Indagini Radiologiche (RAP) (indaginiRadiologicheRAP) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-187 Peso del Tumore - Oss. Macro - RAP (Peso del Tumore - Oss. Macro - RAP) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-189 Estensione del Tumore - Oss. Macro - RAP (Estensione del Tumore - Oss. Macro - RAP) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-194 Osservazione Microscopica RAP (Osservazione Microscopica RAP) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-196 Stato margine (RAP) (statoMargineRap) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-198 DettaglioOsservaz_MicroRAP (DettaglioOsservaz_MicroRAP) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-199 Analisi Supplementari dei campioni (RAP) (analisiSupplementari) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-200 Estensione del Tumore - Micro - RAP (Estensione del Tumore - Micro - RAP) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-201 Sito di invasione - Micro - RAP (Sito di invasione - Micro - RAP) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-202 Linfonodi Esaminati (RAP) (linfEsaminati) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-206 Dimensione linfonodi esaminati (dimensLinfonodiExam) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-212 Linfonodi Interessati (RAP) (linfInteress) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-214 Dimensione linfonodi (dimLinfInteress_sentinella) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-216 CaratteristicaLinfonodi (CaratteristicaLinfonodi) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-219 Linfonodo con micrometastasi (linfMicroMetastasi) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-221 Linfonodo con macrometastasi (linfMacroMetastasi) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-225 Linfonodo con cellule tumorali isolate (linfCellTumorIsolate) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-226 Linfonodi (RAP) (linfonodi) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-232 Stato del tumore residuale (RAP) (Stato del tumore residuale) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-234 Dimensione cellule tumorali isolate (dimCelluleTumoraliIsolate) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-238 Peso del tumore (pesoTumoreRad) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-249 Cellule tumorali isolate (RAP) (cellTumoraliIsolate) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-250 Dimensione cellule tumorali isolate (RAP) (dimCelluleTumIs---) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-319 Allergie - act (VPS) (allergieVPS) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-321 Descrizione Criticità (VPS) (criticitàVPS) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-377 Allergie - act (RSA) (allergieRSA) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-379 Allergie - act (RSA 1) (allergieRSA1) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-416 Allergie o Intolleranze (act) (PSS) (actAllergIntPSS) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-420 Terapie Farmacologiche - Presenza Terapia (substanceAdministration) (PSS) (subAdmTerapFarmPresPSS) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-431 Lista dei Problemi - Problema (act) (PSS) (ActProblemaPSS) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-477 Esenzioni (act) (PSS) (actEsenzioniPSS) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-479 Reti di Patologia (act) (PSS) (actRetidiPatologiaPSS) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-482 Allergie e Intolleranze - Descrizione Reazione (observation) (PSS) (obsAllerIntDescReazione) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-483 Allergie e Intolleranze - Descrizione Criticità(observation) (PSS) (obsAllerIntDescCriticitàPSS) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-486 Allergie e Intolleranze - Stato Allergia (observation) (PSS) (obsAllerIntStatoAllerPSS) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-507 Cronicità della Patologia (observation) (RAD) (obsCronPatRAD) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-508 Stato Clinico Problema - (observation) (RAD) (obsStaClinProbRAD) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-509 Dettaglio Anamnesi Familiare - (Organizer) (RAD) (orgDettAnamRAD) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-511 Dettaglio Anamnesi del Familiare - (observation) RAD (obsDettaglioAFRAD) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-512 Età Insorgenza - (observation) RAD (obsEtàInsRAD) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-513 Età decesso - (observation) RAD (obsEtàDecesRAD) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-515 Allergie - (act) (RAD) (actAllergieRAD) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-516 Allergie - observation (RAD) (obsAllergieRAD) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-544 Cronicità della Patologia (observation) (LDO) (obsCronPatLDO) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-545 Stato Clinico del problema (observation) (LDO) (obsStaCliProLDO) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-555 Allergie - (act) (LDO) (actAllergieLDO) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-556 Allergie - observation (LDO) (obsAllergieLDO) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-563 Terapie Farmacologiche Durante Ricovero (substanceAdministration) (LDO) (subAdmTerapFarmRicLDO) DYNAMIC
hl7itig-template-569 Terapie Farmacologiche Dimissione (substanceAdministration) (LDO) (subAdmTerapFarmDimLDO) DYNAMIC
Source Code System
2.16.840.1.113883.5.14 - ActStatus - FHIR:
Level/ Type Code Display Name Code System

Legenda: Type L=leaf, S=specializable, A=abstract, D=deprecated. NullFlavor OTH (other) suggests text in originalText. HL7 V3: NullFlavors to appear in @nullFlavor attribute instead of @code.