ClinicalDocument/recordTarget SHALL be present and SHALL conform to the Human Patient,
Non-Human Subject or Human Patient with Non-Human Subject templates defined below.
There are three varieties of laboratory reports:
Human (patient): The document reports laboratory observations produced on specimens
collected exclusively from the patient.
Non-Human Subject: The document reports laboratory observations produced on specimens
collected from a non-human material (e.g. water, milk…) or living subject (e.g. animal).
Human (patient) paired with Non-Human Subject: The document reports laboratory observations
produced on a non-human specimen with a relationship to a human patient, (e.g. peanut
butter eaten by a patient, a ferret that bit a patient).
Human Patient
In accordance with the HL7 CDA R2 standard and further constrained by this specification,
XD-LAB requires the presence of name, addr and telecom for all entities in the document
including the human patient. Additionally, the following SHALL be present.
An optional templateId with root="" - The templateId element
identifies this recordTarget as a human patient.
id - The patientRole/id SHALL be present.
administrativeGenderCode - The patientRole/patient/administrativeGenderCode SHALL
be present.
birthTime - The patientRole/patient/birthTime SHALL be present.
Human Patient Example b: In the event a unit of information about the patient is not
known or has been de-identified, the use of nullFlavor is appropriate
<recordTargettypeCode="RCT"> <patientRoleclassCode="PAT"> <idextension="sw54321"root=""/><addr> <streetAddressLinenullFlavor="MSK"/><!-- masked value --> <citynullFlavor="MSK"/><!-- masked value --> <statenullFlavor="MSK"/><!-- masked value --> <postalCode>53545</postalCode><country>USA</country></addr><telecomnullFlavor="UNK"/><!-- unknown value --> <patientclassCode="PSN"> <namenullFlavor="MSK"/><!-- masked value --> <administrativeGenderCodecode="F"/><birthTimevalue="19401213000000.0000-0500"/></patient></patientRole></recordTarget>