DECOR Information for Project: HL7 Italia specifiche per l’implementazione (hl7itig-)

Issues already assigned

Currently assigned to: 1 (id dr Kai Heitmann)

inprogress (hl7itig-issue-2) Template ID clash 2.16.840.1.113883.

Change Request (issue id 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.63.6.2)
Last assignment to dr Kai Heitmann
Issue Template ID clash 2.16.840.1.113883.
Id hl7itig-issue-2
Type Change Request
Status inprogress In Progress, assigned
Priority normal
Object(s) Template Terapie Farmacologiche (VPS) 2.16.840.1.113883. (2018‑03‑19)
Template Terapie Farmacologiche dimissione (VPS) hl7itig-template-10 (2018‑03‑19)
Details arrowright Click here for all issue details

inprogress (hl7itig-issue-4) Repeated instructions for participants

Change Request (issue id 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.63.6.4)
Last assignment to dr Kai Heitmann
Issue Repeated instructions for participants
Id hl7itig-issue-4
Type Change Request
Status inprogress In Progress, assigned
Priority normal
Object(s) Template Encounter Activity (VPS) 2.16.840.1.113883. (2018‑03‑19)
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inprogress (hl7itig-issue-5) Equal definitions for Esecutore

Change Request (issue id 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.63.6.5)
Last assignment to dr Kai Heitmann

inprogress (hl7itig-issue-6) Equal definitions for Richiedente

Change Request (issue id 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.63.6.6)
Last assignment to dr Kai Heitmann

Issues not yet assigned

open (hl7itig-issue-13) Modificare descrizione ClinicalDocument/realmCode

Change Request (issue id 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.63.6.13)
Not assigned yet.
Issue Modificare descrizione ClinicalDocument/realmCode
Id hl7itig-issue-13
Type Change Request
Status open Open
Priority normal
 (Negative) ballot - Negative 
 (vota202207) DocGenerico 1.0 - ballot 1 
Object(s) Missing reference target hl7itig-template-31 (2022‑07‑04 10:17:57)
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open (hl7itig-issue-14) realmCode : rivedere vincolo

Change Request (issue id 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.63.6.14)
Not assigned yet.
Issue realmCode : rivedere vincolo
Id hl7itig-issue-14
Type Change Request
Status open Open
Priority normal
 (Negative) ballot - Negative 
 (vota202207) DocGenerico 1.0 - ballot 1 
 (pf-v21-ballot1) Prescrizione Farmaceutica V2.1 - ballot 1 
 (PrS-v21-ballot1) Prescrizione Specialistica V2.1 - ballot 1 
Object(s) Missing reference target hl7itig-template-31 (2022‑07‑04 10:17:57)
Missing reference target hl7itig-template-77 (2022‑07‑08 07:48:24)
Missing reference target hl7itig-template-93 (2022‑07‑13 08:23:03)
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open (hl7itig-issue-15) Evitare di usare conformance verbs nelle descrizioni

Change Request (issue id 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.63.6.15)
Not assigned yet.
Issue Evitare di usare conformance verbs nelle descrizioni
Id hl7itig-issue-15
Type Change Request
Status open Open
Priority normal
 (Comment) ballot - Comment 
 (vota202207) DocGenerico 1.0 - ballot 1 
Object(s) Missing reference target hl7itig-template-31 (2022‑07‑04 10:17:57)
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open (hl7itig-issue-16) Chiarire il binding con Codici DocGenIT (ClinicalDocument.code)

Change Request (issue id 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.63.6.16)
Not assigned yet.
Issue Chiarire il binding con Codici DocGenIT (ClinicalDocument.code)
Id hl7itig-issue-16
Type Change Request
Status open Open
Priority normal
 (Comment) ballot - Comment 
 (vota202207) DocGenerico 1.0 - ballot 1 
Object(s) Missing reference target hl7itig-template-31 (2022‑07‑04 10:17:57)
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open (hl7itig-issue-17) sdtc:statusCode Rivedere la descrizione

Change Request (issue id 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.63.6.17)
Not assigned yet.
Issue sdtc:statusCode Rivedere la descrizione
Id hl7itig-issue-17
Type Change Request
Status open Open
Priority normal
 (Comment) ballot - Comment 
 (vota202207) DocGenerico 1.0 - ballot 1 
Object(s) Missing reference target hl7itig-template-31 (2022‑07‑04 10:17:57)
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open (hl7itig-issue-18) recordTarget : modificare descrizione

Change Request (issue id 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.63.6.18)
Not assigned yet.
Issue recordTarget : modificare descrizione
Id hl7itig-issue-18
Type Change Request
Status open Open
Priority normal
 (Comment) ballot - Comment 
 (vota202207) DocGenerico 1.0 - ballot 1 
Object(s) Missing reference target hl7itig-template-31 (2022‑07‑04 10:17:57)
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open (hl7itig-issue-19)

Change Request (issue id 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.63.6.19)
Not assigned yet.
Id hl7itig-issue-19
Type Change Request
Status open Open
Priority normal
 (Negative) ballot - Negative 
Object(s) Missing reference target hl7itig-template-31 (2022‑07‑04 10:17:57)
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open (hl7itig-issue-20) Aggiungere binding telecom@use

Change Request (issue id 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.63.6.20)
Not assigned yet.
Issue Aggiungere binding telecom@use
Id hl7itig-issue-20
Type Change Request
Status open Open
Priority normal
 (Comment) ballot - Comment 
Object(s) Missing reference target hl7itig-template-31 (2022‑07‑04 10:17:57)
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open (hl7itig-issue-21) addr@use aggiungere value set

Change Request (issue id 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.63.6.21)
Not assigned yet.
Issue addr@use aggiungere value set
Id hl7itig-issue-21
Type Change Request
Status open Open
Priority normal
 (Comment) ballot - Comment 
Object(s) Missing reference target hl7itig-template-32 (2022‑07‑04 10:25:50)
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open (.10) Vincoli su ClincialDocument.effectiveTime ?

Clarification needed (issue id .10)
Not assigned yet.
Issue Vincoli su ClincialDocument.effectiveTime ?
Id .10
Type Clarification needed
Status open Open
Priority normal
 (vota202207) DocGenerico 1.0 - ballot 1 
Object(s) Missing reference target hl7itig-template-31 (2022‑07‑04 10:17:57)
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open (hl7itig-issue-22)  hl7:assignedAuthor: rivedere descrizione

Change Request (issue id 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.63.6.22)
Not assigned yet.
Issue hl7:assignedAuthor: rivedere descrizione
Id hl7itig-issue-22
Type Change Request
Status open Open
Priority normal
 (Negative) ballot - Negative 
 (vota202207) DocGenerico 1.0 - ballot 1 
Object(s) Missing reference target hl7itig-template-33 (2022‑07‑04 10:33:42)
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open (hl7itig-issue-23) Missing values for attributes

Change Request (issue id 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.63.6.23)
Not assigned yet.
Issue Missing values for attributes
Id hl7itig-issue-23
Type Change Request
Status open Open
Priority normal
 (vota202207) DocGenerico 1.0 - ballot 1 
 (Comment) ballot - Comment 
Object(s) Missing reference target hl7itig-template-33 (2022‑07‑04 10:33:42)
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open (hl7itig-issue-24) Change hl7:assignedPerson containment

Change Request (issue id 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.63.6.24)
Not assigned yet.
Issue Change hl7:assignedPerson containment
Id hl7itig-issue-24
Type Change Request
Status open Open
Priority normal
 (Negative) ballot - Negative 
 (vota202207) DocGenerico 1.0 - ballot 1 
Object(s) Missing reference target hl7itig-template-33 (2022‑07‑04 10:33:42)
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open (hl7itig-issue-25) Empty choice

Change Request (issue id 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.63.6.25)
Not assigned yet.
Issue Empty choice
Id hl7itig-issue-25
Type Change Request
Status open Open
Priority normal
 (Negative) ballot - Negative 
 (vota202207) DocGenerico 1.0 - ballot 1 
Object(s) Missing reference target hl7itig-template-33 (2022‑07‑04 10:33:42)
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open (hl7itig-issue-26) Template ID da controllare

Change Request (issue id 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.63.6.26)
Not assigned yet.
Issue Template ID da controllare
Id hl7itig-issue-26
Type Change Request
Status open Open
Priority normal
 (Negative) ballot - Negative 
 (pf-v21-ballot1) Prescrizione Farmaceutica V2.1 - ballot 1 
Object(s) Missing reference target hl7itig-template-19 (2022‑06‑22 17:16:44)
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open (hl7itig-issue-27) Template ID da controllare

Change Request (issue id 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.63.6.27)
Not assigned yet.
Issue Template ID da controllare
Id hl7itig-issue-27
Type Change Request
Status open Open
Priority normal
 (Negative) ballot - Negative 
 (PrS-v21-ballot1) Prescrizione Specialistica V2.1 - ballot 1 
Object(s) Missing reference target hl7itig-template-94 (2022‑07‑13 11:57:32)
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open (hl7itig-issue-28) Chiarimento su cardinalità Tipologia Prescrizione

Change Request (issue id 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.63.6.28)
Not assigned yet.
Issue Chiarimento su cardinalità Tipologia Prescrizione
Id hl7itig-issue-28
Type Change Request
Status open Open
Priority normal
 (Comment) ballot - Comment 
 (pf-v21-ballot1) Prescrizione Farmaceutica V2.1 - ballot 1 
 (PrS-v21-ballot1) Prescrizione Specialistica V2.1 - ballot 1 
Object(s) Missing reference target hl7itig-template-19 (2022‑06‑22 17:16:44)
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open (hl7itig-issue-29) Binding confidentialityCode

Change Request (issue id 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.63.6.29)
Not assigned yet.
Issue Binding confidentialityCode
Id hl7itig-issue-29
Type Change Request
Status open Open
Priority normal
 (Negative) ballot - Negative 
 (pf-v21-ballot1) Prescrizione Farmaceutica V2.1 - ballot 1 
 (PrS-v21-ballot1) Prescrizione Specialistica V2.1 - ballot 1 
Object(s) Missing reference target hl7itig-template-19 (2022‑06‑22 17:16:44)
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open (hl7itig-issue-30) Duplicazione non necessaria dei template

Change Request (issue id 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.63.6.30)
Not assigned yet.
Issue Duplicazione non necessaria dei template
Id hl7itig-issue-30
Type Change Request
Status open Open
Priority normal
 (Negative) ballot - Negative 
 (pf-v21-ballot1) Prescrizione Farmaceutica V2.1 - ballot 1 
 (PrS-v21-ballot1) Prescrizione Specialistica V2.1 - ballot 1 
Object(s) Missing reference target hl7itig-template-19 (2022‑06‑22 17:16:44)
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open (hl7itig-issue-31) definire regole per gli identificativi

Change Request (issue id 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.63.6.31)
Not assigned yet.
Issue definire regole per gli identificativi
Id hl7itig-issue-31
Type Change Request
Status open Open
Priority normal
 (Negative) ballot - Negative 
 (pf-v21-ballot1) Prescrizione Farmaceutica V2.1 - ballot 1 
 (PrS-v21-ballot1) Prescrizione Specialistica V2.1 - ballot 1 
 (vota202207) DocGenerico 1.0 - ballot 1 
Object(s) Missing reference target hl7itig-template-19 (2022‑06‑22 17:16:44)
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open (hl7itig-issue-32) verificare sintassi vincolo su @root

Change Request (issue id 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.63.6.32)
Not assigned yet.
Issue verificare sintassi vincolo su @root
Id hl7itig-issue-32
Type Change Request
Status open Open
Priority normal
 (Negative) ballot - Negative 
 (pf-v21-ballot1) Prescrizione Farmaceutica V2.1 - ballot 1 
 (PrS-v21-ballot1) Prescrizione Specialistica V2.1 - ballot 1 
Object(s) Missing reference target hl7itig-template-19 (2022‑06‑22 17:16:44)
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open (hl7itig-issue-33) Vincoli solo espressi testualmente

Change Request (issue id 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.63.6.33)
Not assigned yet.
Issue Vincoli solo espressi testualmente
Id hl7itig-issue-33
Type Change Request
Status open Open
Priority normal
 (Negative) ballot - Negative 
 (pf-v21-ballot1) Prescrizione Farmaceutica V2.1 - ballot 1 
 (PrS-v21-ballot1) Prescrizione Specialistica V2.1 - ballot 1 
Object(s) Missing reference target hl7itig-template-19 (2022‑06‑22 17:16:44)
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open (hl7itig-issue-34) hl7:relatedDocument verfiicare ed aggiornare regole

Change Request (issue id 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.63.6.34)
Not assigned yet.
Issue hl7:relatedDocument verfiicare ed aggiornare regole
Id hl7itig-issue-34
Type Change Request
Status open Open
Priority normal
 (Negative) ballot - Negative 
 (pf-v21-ballot1) Prescrizione Farmaceutica V2.1 - ballot 1 
 (PrS-v21-ballot1) Prescrizione Specialistica V2.1 - ballot 1 
Object(s) Missing reference target hl7itig-template-19 (2022‑06‑22 17:16:44)
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open (hl7itig-issue-35) Verificare sezioni mancanti

Change Request (issue id 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.63.6.35)
Not assigned yet.
Issue Verificare sezioni mancanti
Id hl7itig-issue-35
Type Change Request
Status open Open
Priority normal
 (Negative) ballot - Negative 
 (pf-v21-ballot1) Prescrizione Farmaceutica V2.1 - ballot 1 
Object(s) Missing reference target hl7itig-template-19 (2022‑06‑22 17:16:44)
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open (hl7itig-issue-36) text.content perchè obbligatorio ?

Change Request (issue id 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.63.6.36)
Not assigned yet.
Issue text.content perchè obbligatorio ?
Id hl7itig-issue-36
Type Change Request
Status open Open
Priority normal
 (Negative) ballot - Negative 
 (pf-v21-ballot1) Prescrizione Farmaceutica V2.1 - ballot 1 
Object(s) Missing reference target hl7itig-template-27 (2022‑06‑27 08:14:05)
Missing reference target hl7itig-template-76 (2022‑07‑07 14:04:36)
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open (hl7itig-issue-37) Datatype non definiti

Change Request (issue id 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.63.6.37)
Not assigned yet.
Issue Datatype non definiti
Id hl7itig-issue-37
Type Change Request
Status open Open
Priority normal
 (Negative) ballot - Negative 
 (pf-v21-ballot1) Prescrizione Farmaceutica V2.1 - ballot 1 
 (PrS-v21-ballot1) Prescrizione Specialistica V2.1 - ballot 1 
Object(s) Missing reference target hl7itig-template-19 (2022‑06‑22 17:16:44)
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open (hl7itig-issue-38) substanceAdministration.effectiveTime coreggere la rappresentazione

Change Request (issue id 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.63.6.38)
Not assigned yet.
Issue substanceAdministration.effectiveTime coreggere la rappresentazione
Id hl7itig-issue-38
Type Change Request
Status open Open
Priority normal
 (Negative) ballot - Negative 
 (pf-v21-ballot1) Prescrizione Farmaceutica V2.1 - ballot 1 
Object(s) Missing reference target hl7itig-template-77 (2022‑07‑08 07:48:24)
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open (hl7itig-issue-39) dove usati verificare i data type (e.g. supply.quantity.value)

Change Request (issue id 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.63.6.39)
Not assigned yet.
Issue dove usati verificare i data type (e.g. supply.quantity.value)
Id hl7itig-issue-39
Type Change Request
Status open Open
Priority normal
 (Negative) ballot - Negative 
 (pf-v21-ballot1) Prescrizione Farmaceutica V2.1 - ballot 1 
 (PrS-v21-ballot1) Prescrizione Specialistica V2.1 - ballot 1 
Object(s) Missing reference target hl7itig-template-77 (2022‑07‑08 07:48:24)
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open (hl7itig-issue-40) TelecomAddress

Change Request (issue id 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.63.6.40)
Not assigned yet.
Issue TelecomAddress
Id hl7itig-issue-40
Type Change Request
Status open Open
Priority normal
Object(s) Missing reference target 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.15933 (2014‑03‑26)
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open (hl7itig-issue-41) Telecom

Change Request (issue id 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.63.6.41)
Not assigned yet.
Issue Telecom
Id hl7itig-issue-41
Type Change Request
Status open Open
Priority normal
Object(s) Missing reference target 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.15933 (2014‑03‑26)
Details arrowright Click here for all issue details

Issues dealt with

closed (hl7itig-issue-3)  hl7:recordTarget ids

Change Request (issue id 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.63.6.3)
Last assignment to dr Kai Heitmann
Issue hl7:recordTarget ids
Id hl7itig-issue-3
Type Change Request
Status closed Closed, assigned
Priority normal
Object(s) Template Verbale di Pronto Soccorso (VPS) 2.16.840.1.113883. (2018‑03‑19)
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closed (hl7itig-issue-12) Automatic change of the cardinality after example creation

Incident (issue id 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.63.6.12)
Last assignment to dr Kai Heitmann
Issue Automatic change of the cardinality after example creation
Id hl7itig-issue-12
Type Incident
Status closed Closed, assigned
Priority normal
Object(s) Missing reference target hl7itig-template-39 (2022‑07‑04 13:40:39)
Details arrowright Click here for all issue details

closed (hl7itig-issue-10) Error Validation CDA2

Change Request (issue id 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.63.6.10)
Last assignment to dr Kai Heitmann
Issue Error Validation CDA2
Id hl7itig-issue-10
Type Change Request
Status closed Closed, assigned
Priority normal
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closed (hl7itig-issue-9) Error prefix attribute

Change Request (issue id 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.63.6.9)
Not assigned yet.
Issue Error prefix attribute
Id hl7itig-issue-9
Type Change Request
Status closed Closed
Priority normal
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closed (hl7itig-issue-7) Issue section level template and entry level template

Clarification needed (issue id 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.63.6.7)
Last assignment to dr Kai Heitmann
Issue Issue section level template and entry level template
Id hl7itig-issue-7
Type Clarification needed
Status closed Closed, assigned
Priority normal
Object(s) Missing reference target hl7itig-template-23 (2022‑06‑23 14:05:21)
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closed (hl7itig-issue-11) May can you create a new publication?

Change Request (issue id 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.63.6.11)
Last assignment to Andrea Mezzanzanica
Issue May can you create a new publication?
Id hl7itig-issue-11
Type Change Request
Status closed Closed, assigned
Priority normal
Object(s) Missing reference target hl7itig-scenario-8 (2022‑07‑04)
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closed (hl7itig-issue-8) Names in the template selection panel

Incident (issue id 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.63.6.8)
Last assignment to dr Kai Heitmann
Issue Names in the template selection panel
Id hl7itig-issue-8
Type Incident
Status closed Closed, assigned
Priority normal
Object(s) Missing reference target hl7itig-template-18 (2022‑06‑22 17:03:20)
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closed (hl7itig-issue-1) Template ID clash 2.16.840.1.113883.

Change Request (issue id 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.63.6.1)
Last assignment to dr Kai Heitmann
Issue Template ID clash 2.16.840.1.113883.
Id hl7itig-issue-1
Type Change Request
Status closed Closed, assigned
Priority normal
Object(s) Template Livello Appropriatezza (VPS) 2.16.840.1.113883. (2018‑03‑19)
Missing reference target hl7itig-template-12 (2018‑03‑19)
Details arrowright Click here for all issue details

Defined labels

Color Code Name Description In use?
Comment ballot - Comment Commento per ballot yes
Negative ballot - Negative Commento negativo ballot yes
PrS-v21-ballot1 Prescrizione Specialistica V2.1 - ballot 1 en-US Ballot #1: IG CDA R2 Prescrizione Specialistica V2.1 yes
pf-v21-ballot1 Prescrizione Farmaceutica V2.1 - ballot 1 en-US Ballot #1: IG CDA R2 Prescrizione Farmaceutica V2.1 yes
vota202207 DocGenerico 1.0 - ballot 1 en-US Ballot #1: IG CDA R2 Documento Generico V1.0 yes

Data sets, codes, OIDs and Rules: this information is used for rendering and validation purposes.