DECOR Information for Project: HL7 Italia specifiche per l’implementazione (hl7itig-)


Diagram XML All Care view Name Description [‑] Effective Date [‑] Version Label [‑] Model [‑] Data Set [‑] Template [‑]
html draft Documento Generico Scopo del documento : si è deciso di predefinire le specifiche del "Documento Generico" per poter garantire la portabilità di tutti i documenti clinici per i quali non esiste ancora ... 2022‑07‑04
html draft doublearrow Documento generico 2022‑07‑04
draft rotate create DocGen 2022‑07‑04 POCD_MT000040 Documento Generico CDA ClinicalDocument (with nonXMLBody)

Scenario Summary

Scenarios 1
Transaction groups 1
Transactions 1

Transactions per Actor

Transactions for Actor person: Document Creator

Role Transaction Model Template Diagram XML All Care view
  draft doublearrow Documento generico            
stationary draft rotate create DocGen POCD_MT000040 CDA ClinicalDocument (with nonXMLBody)

Data sets, codes, OIDs and Rules: this information is used for rendering and validation purposes.