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open (hl7itig-issue-14) realmCode : rivedere vincolo

Change Request (issue id 2.16.840.1.113883.3.1937.777.63.6.14)
Not assigned yet.
Issue realmCode : rivedere vincolo
Id hl7itig-issue-14
Type Change Request
Status open Open
Priority normal
 (Negative) ballot - Negative 
 (vota202207) DocGenerico 1.0 - ballot 1 
 (pf-v21-ballot1) Prescrizione Farmaceutica V2.1 - ballot 1 
 (PrS-v21-ballot1) Prescrizione Specialistica V2.1 - ballot 1 
Object(s) Template CDA ClinicalDocument (with nonXMLBody) hl7itig-template-31 (2022‑07‑04 10:17:57)
Missing reference target hl7itig-template-77 (2022‑07‑08 07:48:24)
Missing reference target hl7itig-template-93 (2022‑07‑13 08:23:03)
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